Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Mad Little Scientist

I've been studying more than actually writing lately.  I'm taking classes over at MargieLawson.com as well as trolling the blogosphere.  I find a ton of great information on the art of storytelling spread throughout the internet.  With the recent discovery of RSS Feeds, I've slowly worked my way through archives of blog posts looking for each and every piece of information I can find and incorporate into my work.

Some of it I already know, some of it didn't know, but some of it I "knew" on a more subconscious level and I have "epiphany" moments  whenever I can put a words to something I "sort of" knew.

A lot of what I'm finding result in feeling the need to pat myself on the back.  Why?  Because a lot of little gems help spruce up characters, plots, dialogue, etc. are already encrusted into the ring of my story.  I get a little giddy every time I read a piece of advice that sounds awesome and I can say, "I'm already doing that in my story!"

Take this wonderful piece of advice from the Cockeyed Caravan.  Basically, heroes are becoming increasingly callous and Matt Bird finds it, to some degree, a turnoff.

I once again felt the need to pat myself on the back.  My protag gets caught up in a situation where she witnesses and is disturbed by a public execution.  She believes that it was completely wrong and she is the only one in the town who feels that way.
Gene Wilder-Young Frankstein (1974)

So, what is the worst thing that can happen to a person who doesn't/cannot kill and be callous?  That person will have to kill.  Therefore, my protag will have to kill and it needs to be out of their control.  Then I love thinking about how awful an event like that would have on my protagonists psyche.  I feel like a mad little scientist.